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Publicacións da Cátedra Jean Monnet

Series of monographs, open to to national and international researchers inside and outside the academia, focusing on aspects of the constitutional law of the European Union. The collection was created in 2000 at the initiative of professor Antonio Carlos Pereira Menaut, who teaches Constitutional Law at the Universidade de Santiago de Compostela and who is also the director of its Cátedra Jean Monnet of constitutional law of the European Union. The collection was discontinued in 2006.

Publicacións da Cátedra Jean Monnet

Multiconstitucionalismo e multigoberno: estados e rexións na Unión Europea

López Portas, María Begoña
Cancela Outeda, Celso
Pereira Menaut, Antonio Carlos
Rojo Salgado, Argimiro
Bascuas Jardón, Xoán Carlos
López Mira, Álvaro Xosé
López Viso, Mónica
Martínez Arribas, Fernando
Núñez Poblete, Manuel
de Santiago Pérez, Mar
Varela Álvarez, Enrique José
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