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- IMPLICADOS. Guías para a mellora da implicación familiar en educación primaria/IMPLICADOS. Guías para la mejora de la implicación familiar en educación primaria
- Jean Monnet Papers: Cultural Studies in European Integration
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- Publicacións da Cátedra Jean Monnet
- Publicacións da Cátedra Juana de Vega. Actas
- Publicacións da Cátedra Juana de Vega. Cadernos de Investigación
- Publicacións da Cátedra Juana de Vega. Faladoiros
- Publicacións da Cátedra Juana de Vega. Monografías
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- USC Editora. Académica
- USC Editora. CELE (Cuadernos de Español como Lengua Extranjera)
- USC Editora. Clave
- USC Editora. Ensaio
- USC Editora. Manuais
- USC Editora. Textos
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- About..
Jean Monnet Papers: Cultural Studies in European Integration
Jean Monnet Papers: Cultural Studies in European Integration is a series of ebooks linked to the Jean Monnet Chair “The Culture of European Integration” . The existence of a shared European culture has been considered as one—if not the main—of the pillars of integration. The main aim of this series is to reflect on the role that culture has played and should still play in the process of integration.
Jean Monnet Papers: Cultural Studies in European Integration welcomes unpublished research texts with an academic or essayistic orientation focused on the dialectical relationship between the political integration of the EU and different cultural manifestations, such as literature, cinema and/or the arts in general, with special interest in the common features, but also the distinct ones, of the communities which constitute the EU or are willing to become part. There are no restrictions as for the maximum number of words, provided manuscripts are coherent. Read more
Jean Monnet Papers: Cultural Studies in European Integration
There are 2 products.