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Termos esenciais de...

«Termos esenciais de...» is a collection of bilingual (GL-ES) or trilingual (GL-ES-EN) glossaries, born in 2004 and with no fixed periodicity, whose different volumes try to compile the basic Galician terminology of different areas of knowledge, with a degree of breadth coinciding with the field of study of a department or research group, and with a level of depth similar to that handled during degree studies. Their length is usually around one thousand concepts (although this number may not be reached, and it also may be exceeded). Since the first volume (2004), the paper edition and the digital edition in .pdf format have coexisted; but since 2019 (Termos esenciais de logopedia e audioloxía) the paper format has been abandoned and only the digital format has been maintained. The paper editions had ISBN and were on sale for a limited period; the digital versions are published under CC licences and in open access. The different volumes of the collection are aimed primarily at USC students studying subjects related to the fields of specialisation covered in each of the titles. In fact, printed copies are usually distributed free of charge to these students. The digital versions are offered free of charge on the internet.

Termos esenciais de...