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Dorna, Expresión Poética Galega

Dorna, Expresión Poética Galega is an annual magazine first published in 1981 and edited by the University of Santiago de Compostela in partnership with the Galician Autonomous Community Government (Xunta de Galicia). It is the only regular miscellaneous publication of literary creation currently being published in Galicia, and aims to offer an editorial channel to up-and-coming authors wishing to nurture Galician literature, though it also frequently collects the works of established writers. Dorna systematically includes three sections:  Creación, including original works of poetry, narrative, and theatre from collaborators; Voces de Fóra, featuring Galician translations of poems alongside the works in their original language; Poéticas, collecting thoughts about poetry and literary creation within the wide diversity offered by autopoetics.
Dorna is published exclusively in Galician.

Dorna, Expresión Poética Galega